

Red Cymbals do more than strive to make the best quality and amazing sounding cymbals…we also care about the creative people who play them and the people that they create with. We promote and support positive mental health and well-being by donating to mental health initiatives and contribute by building a supportive community around musicians - we are a cymbal company with heart!

Money from the sales of all products will be donated to mental health initiatives that are making a difference in our community: Missed Foundation and Support Act.

Musicians and creative people are 10 times more likely to face mental health issues (CLICK HERE), so we as a cymbal company want to be a part of changing that.

Red Cymbals will sponsor regular jams: bass and drum sheds around Australia and internationally to support and promote good mental health, to help people break out of their creative rut and try out new things.

Bassists and Drummers of all levels are welcome and space will be provided where people can chat, talk about anything: struggles that they are having and seek help where needed. Sometimes it is just good to get things off your chest! 



We are a proud supporter of Support Act who care for musicians in crisis and in need of assistance. We make a monthly donation to Support Act to help them continue their valuable work. Visit the Support Act website to find out more about their work.

We also donate every month to Missed Foundation to help them continue their work in creating awareness for missing Australians and the issues pertaining to ‘missingness’ and providing practical support to families. Missed also makes a positive difference to the mental health of people both vulnerable to going missing, as well as supporting the families and friends of people who are missing.